Using Crystals, from Diamond Light Body to Light Body

While connective with RA collective, I raised my consciousness above the astral plane by invoking the Mahatma principle and with the connection to the Divine meditation.

  • Mahatma invocation: I call upon and accept the Mahatma principle to penetrate my bodies, to bring more and more to this plane my I AM presence.
  • The Divine channeling mediation is invoking the White Light that pours from Source, expands my crown chakra, my heart chakra, becoming a white light pyramid around me. The pyramid acts like an antenna that emits and receives energy and information.

For me, the Golden Light from Source (that represents the Mahatma principle) is information, bearing coded to decode our DNA and infuse it with higher potential.

While White Light from the Source it the Creator’s unconditional love, highlighting and leveling up the uniqueness of each of us, our unique color that is part of this White Light, as a faucet of this Diamond Light Ray. All our colors enrich and express this One Diamond named Source, with each consciousness expansion in our Spirit Travels.

Above the astral plane, there is always peace, science and infinite limitless potential that usually appears as black space/uncreated energy. This time, due to RA collective invocation, there was golden-white light. I saw all of us, as beings of light. Humanity appeared like a collective of translucent, crystalline beings, with bodies somewhere between crystal and diamond light. RA said we are all Children of the Light, that our bodies are transforming more and more into crystals that hold in more light and light codes. Our bodies hold/stock the light and shine/emanate it is as information and frequency of unconditional love.

We are becoming light bodies, as we stay more in the sunlight (as a direct communication to all Children of the Light and the actual download of the codes), and attune our frequency to Oneness.

Beloved RA, how can I use crystals?

‘Hold them in the light – Sunlight and the light from your being to better attune the specific information attuned to your evolution. Stay yourself in the sunlight with them on your 3rd eye. Stay, receive, let the light and their information to spiral down in your 3rd eye. And your 3rd eye crystal will know how to decode it, to receive the information and then you will just know. The crystal inside of you is resonating with these crystals and the communication is at SupraConscious level. Ask for the communication to be conscious.

Use the crystals in your mediations, in your Spirit Travels, to bring you back safely in yourself, to bring you in the realm of all possibilities, on Sirius and other planes of mastery. (I have some dearest Labradorite crystals and just found out that they can help me get quicker to this 0 point realm that I call above astral plane – of infinite potential; to communicate more easily with other star beings, to safely return me to this plane and so on. Just magical 😊)

Chakras Communication

All this information from your crystals is in your heart as well. Your heart takes in the information from the Navel Chakra where all the spirals and fractals of Creation are connected. From the Navel Chakra the connection is raising to your Heart Chakra to be decoded, then to your Throat Chakra to be spoken, to your 3rd Eye Chakra to be projected in this plane of existence and back to the Divinity through your Crown Chakra. The other circuit of information is from your Navel Chakra to the Sacral Chakra to express creativity and to the Base Chakra of remembrance that you chose to be here. Then travels to Earth for support and grounding, in connection to Mother Earth’s Crystals and back to the Divine.

Don’t confuse our heart torus with the 0 point of Unification of all, in your Navel Chakra – there are 2 different things. (From what I understand now: the heart torus is the emanation outwards of the life force energy that comes from Source, the direct lick to Source, as communication and life. I know the torus as being the feedback loop of creation, how energy communicates and shapes itself. The Heart is where we experience the Creator and the Creator inside. And the Navel Cord as a matrix of communication of Creation itself.)

Connect your 3rd eye crystal to the crystal matrix within Mother Earth. Ask ArchAngel Sandalphon to help you with this. Let yourself be creative with their help – the crystals and the ArcAngels.

Ask ArchAngel Gabriel and the Diamond Light Ray to assist – you are a Keeper of the Diamond Light Ray, beloved. The diamond holds all the rainbow light. For you is not about rainbow light, is Diamond Light, as diamond has within all the colors from this dimension and others. The diamond itself represent transmutation from carbon to crystal.

You are the diamonds, beloved, every if you perceive this to be true only in your sacral chakra, in your Heart Chakra or in your 3rd eye.

Diamond Light Body and the early stages of Light Body

With ease and ‘time’, all of your body will be Diamond Light. You will be more than diamond crystals: sentient beings, sentient co-creator beings. Just like crystals communicate, so will you. You will keep your unicity, mobility, freedom, you will fly and be part of the same consciousness. You will resonate with one another, the information within the ‘other’ will be the information within you because you will take it in through resonance. You will ‘speak’ their language, slowly the verbal communication will be obsolete because the crystal within will just resonate with the crystals ‘outside’, a form of telepathy.

You will receive and decode more light, you will transform in Light itself. You are the Sons of Light.  
