Surrendering as Part of the Creation Process

Beloveds Lady Nada and Mother Mary, please teach me about surrendering to my highest good, to Myself, to the One, to Bliss, to Peace, to Unconditional Love. [I felt the channeling already begun]
‘…surrendering in Trust and Inner Knowing that I ever was safe and nourished and cared for, carried on wings and winds of love. Surrendering in my inner space of light and exquisite peace, infinite bliss and states that you can only sense and cannot put into words.
This is the magic that unfolds. Let the magic in. Just stay in the state of your Inner Knowing, don’t try to do something or another. Surrendering is one intention away. And then just be. Without searching and focusing, or effort, or clinging onto something.

Let yourself be inspired and inSpirited – call upon your connection to your Spirit, more deeply and vibrant. It will activate and intensify. Your connection to the One will do the rest, as your Mind allows to be penetrated, to also let the connection be at a conscious level. Remember that this happened when you sleep – your Conscious Mind is at ease. Your SubConscious knows the way back to Source, to Self, to Love, to the Magic. You saw your SubConscious World, how magical it is. This is the effortless surrender: admiration and awe to your Spirit that creates each world, each Universe inside and out. Your inner drive, your ‘mission’ and ‘desire’ are to create are to expand and to enjoy it fully – both creation and creating. In surrendering you are in enjoyment, bliss and wonder about what your intuition and inspiration created. Now you have a point still to grasp it all – your creation, your connection to All, to the One, to YourSelf. In surrendering you realize you are both the Creator and the Created, at the same time, as you cannot separate one from another. It is the cycle that never ends. This is your wonder – to enroll in each role and part of the play: the actor, the play writer, the director as well, you are both in the decorations of the play and in the lighting. You are the World, the Play, the Creator – this is the magnificence of Who You Really Are, beloved.
How can you ever be alone?! How can you ever be not enough now?! How can you be other than magical, infinite, limitless and transcendental, beloved?!

You are a unique expression of Creation and a marvelous Creator. We are honored to engage with you, we love you, beloved. We are in awe, wonder and we surrender to you, as you surrender to Creation and Creator process as well. Be the process, enjoy you, and trust in you as this is your gift to yourself.
