Request here an Akashic Reading

What is Akasha

Akasha is a living, breathing map for your Spirit and Spirit Travels, an ever-changing map with each conscious expansion and aligned choice at a time.

Some see Akasha as an etheric library. It contains every thought, word, action, intention ever felt, said, intended, in all scale of ‘time’ – past, present, future.

I like best the description of scientist Nassim Haramein. He talks about the space-memory fabric of the Universe and Akasha is the ‘hard disk’ in which we imprint out reality. We actually access the last memory of this reality, thus the ever-changing viewpoint on ourselves and everything.

You can learn more about Akasha here, in a channeled message with the energies that govern it. It is a message from ArchAngel Metatron and the Great Master of Akasha, part of the Karmic Council. They hold in place the inherent laws and dynamics of this dimension, allowing the etheric permeability of information and memory.

The key point is that all information anyone can access is what resonates in the moment. And the moment is ever-changing. You can always change the viewpoint and yourself.

Most of all, Akasha is an invitation to look at karma as a consequence of a choice, in a cause-effect dynamic, in a more informed and empowered learning process. Remember we are here to experiment, evolve and enjoy this realm. We are here to master this reality, to experience it at it’s fullest.

What is an Akashic reading

The Akashic reading is a photography of this dynamic map, of what exists in the moment.

I invite you to take it with ease, see if it’s speaking to you, to your inner knowing.

Each one of you accessing ‘history’ would feel it and decoded it differently, in your unique way. This is why you should ask for your truth, shining your perspective rather than borrowing what others say. That is Their Truth in the Moment, changing with each expanded level of consciousness.

ArchAngel Metatron channeled message

Then why should you ask for an Akashic reading from me?

There are some rather ‘fixed’ information in the reading: like the most abundant way you receive the life-force energy from Source, what soul group first resonated with you in this Universe. This is part of a protocol that does not include the one making the reading, put together by Soul Realignment Team.

Also, the connection and the message being received are through my symbols, consciousness expansion, part of my spiritual work through the years.

Don’t take any information too seriously, just relax, read it, test it, enjoy, have fun. You can ponder upon it, let it sink in if you want to. Let it raise some new questions, let it make the big shifts and the small choices.

Look at the reading in a very empowered way: the power of ‘changing your past’ lies within you, in the way you define yourself in each moment

Always know you are in charge of your life. Everything is in evolution and motion, change is a breathing reality.

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