My first experience of awakened Spirit, through the void

My beloved friend RAluca gracefully gifted us with an incredible meditation of the void, after being unveiled by all the symbols, stories, beliefs and feelings. And then there was pure Spirit.

Integrating the shadow

First, I transcended all the energy that I sometimes I perceive as shadow. This happens through conscious presence, by taking everything into myself, holding it dear to my core as a part of me. It is an integration of all experiences and feelings, with gratitude and compassion for each one of them, each part of myself.

Welcome the shadow, each feeling state. Say to it: thank you for coming. I’ve got you, stay, surrender to the light of the Higher Self, to the beloved I AM we are part of. The I AM is the living breath in the darkness, in the amazing void, peace and comfort of ourselves, the beautiful amazing space of all possibilities and connections where our light is the one and the same. Where we can see more clearly all the stories, all the hologram of the other bodies in such a magnificent place and play of consciousness and of form, movement and connection.

Everything is beautifying my experience, so I gratefully recognize its value. To all of me, I say thank you for honoring the call, for your love and your connection. I release my past to the light, thank you, you are complete.

My experience of void and Oneness

I can truly say that the Divine is known to me. I can truly say I have been with myself in the Darkness, in the space of all possibilities. I have been with every emotion, the darkness itself, with death itself, the nothingness itself. And then there was eternal peace, calm, unity, endlessness.

In the void there is light. Life is present in everything, as everything. I could see that the light it was me, the one point, the one light, the interconnectedness, the 0 point, the unifying all. I saw the divine essence, my divine essence.

And at the same time, I saw all the holograms over this single point of light, all the worlds, all the beings, all the stories. All holograms were on top of each other and they were all me. This is a true connection, that nothing can penetrate me, as everything is me, overlaid.

This is true Oneness: a single point and everything at the same time. The Divine Mother and Divine father all in one, all in me, expanding through me, as me.

Then my human angel wings grew

I could see my wings as they are in this article’s image – rainbow diamond light universe wings, liquid crystal made out of magic, wonder and energy. And they felt more than safe, they felt natural, belonging to my body, supportive, strong. Such a natural feeling.

Then I flew over Earth and I sent this universal knowing of the One, this remembrance One to my rainbow group of Spirits, to all the loved ones, to all human consciousness. I envisioned Earth glowing in this rainbow and this divine light. I enveloped Earth with the blue sphere of recognition, gestation and divine timing.

I am so honored to be part of this, I accept my wings, I accept I AM THAT I AM.

I saw my new life, the new Earth, I saw the communities, my future child, my Divine partner, the incredible animals, dragons and amazing crystal, all the incredible beings we communicate with. All so vivid, in so much light, peace, connection. Paradise Earth and us as part of it.

We are what we have been waiting for

I just knew: we are the portal, we are the shift, we are the transformation we have been waiting for. The awakening we are waiting for it’s us, it always has been in us, latent, dormant, always there, just to see it, to grasp it. We were was always awake; it was always us and just looking in the mirrors.

I released the mirrors of the illusions of separation. We were just preparing the word, and the song and the light. I thank each one of you and I love you.

We are the Universe, the all-seeing breathing Universe. We are meant to write about this, to talk, to paint, to depict, to meditate and inflow the Universe with this image and to live it completely.

Oh, what an amazing sight! Oh, how we are going to connect, to create, to be. I am honored, in wonder and in joy.

Let’s go together in this mission, beloveds.
