Inter-dimensional Pyramid of Alignment

I invite you in a journey into yourself. For better understanding the energy interaction from within, the conscious mind uses familiar symbols to shape the energy patterns into structures. You can develop a safe environment of connecting with different aspects of yourself – Soul, SupraConscious, ArchAngels, Masters, galactic beings, – all archetypes of energy that exists within you.

Your intuition will shape this inter-dimensional energetic structure based on a specific symbol that decodes a safe place of learning, discovering and alignment. You can imagine a garden, a library, or – like in my case – a pyramid.

My Inter-dimensional Structure

I saw a crystalline pyramid, translucent, part of a complex pyramidal structure that communicated to one another through complex stairs and hallways. Each one of them was for different purposes. This time I choose to visit the pyramid that aligns me to my original stare of BEing. Other pyramids are for learning, energy manipulation, mastery of different abilities.

My inter-dimensional pyramid of alignment is crystal-based – the crystal that makes up the structure of our Soul, etheric in nature. It can reflect the colors of my energy at the moment I enter. When the process of returning to my nature is complete, then it becomes translucent, crystal clear.

In the middle of this inter-dimensional pyramid lies an etheric crystal table, where my etheric body can lie down. Around me, I can invite any energy being I loved for support and frequency resonance. This time came to the call my beloved Archangel Michael, Lord Arcturus, and other Arcturus beings, loving and offering support and their magnificent presence.

I could clearly see myself on the table, observing from the side what was happening. I was in all my capacity and saw all viewpoints: the architect of the place, the ‘doctors’ around me, Archangel Michael, the patient on the table, the play writer and director. It felt safe and cared for, I’ve been there before, it felt right.

Lord Arcturus Channeling

‘The way your mind can deconstruct what is happening there is that you lie on a crystal table and are surrounded by all of your light beings, Masters and Archangels

This is the process of re-structuring your body to level up to your experiences in your mission on Earth plane. This always happens in your sleep, whether you remember it or not.

Another way of looking at this inter-dimensional pyramid of alignment is like a place where:

  • your Soul goes to for energy boosts and taste of home, of Oneness.
  • Also, this helps the Soul better integrate itself in the dense Earth realm.
  • At the same time, the Soul infuses Earth with the light that he is, by slowly downloading higher frequency into Earth.

What is actually happening is that you replenish all your energy, at every level and dimension:

  • Your etheric body replica is matching your original blueprint, like a reinstallation of the initial software. The crystalline table is infusing the memory-information to your etheric replica.
  • This instantly sends signals to your denser physical body, through the links of etheric DNA structure all the way down to your dense DNA.

You integrate Oneness consciousness one download at a time, as well as enjoying the play of transmutation. You do it because it’s an amazing ‘mission’ to be a part of that you created for yourself. It’s the creator within you who needs to create, explore, transform, experience and transcend even himself.

Implication of Alignment

In this pyramid, your mind can have a taste of the complete powerful being that you are ever were, your true nature, your original state. It realizes that everything else is just a dream construct.

All of you – your mind, your Soul, your etheric body, your physical body – enjoys your table of alignment, of 0-point, your sarcophagi of illumination if you will. All of you remember that you were illuminated in the first place. It’s your reset and getting in touch with your real state of being – the perfection you always were.

Then all fatigue, all physical discomfort, all worry and agitation of your mind are just the dreams you play and engage with for experience purposes only. You can always restart the reality from there.’

My Inter-dimensional Experience

Everything my etheric replica felt, my physical body followed immediately. I felt the energy boost, the restructuring of my cells to their original form. It was like a leveling up of the energy, love, power, magic and limitless that I am.

I felt trust in myself and the Universe, that I can do everything, as I already am everything.
