Being in the moment

A candid message from Merlin about being in the moment, without thinking about the future. How we can be our true selves, without the busy work of always searching, always on the move. Without trying to be someone or somewhere we are not. Just be the way we are in the now.

‘I am here, always was. Where? Inside of you, like any answer and any perspective. They are all in the same place: in your heart, delivered to your conscious self through your intuition.

Experiment and choose again

How should you be? Be the way you are feeling now, at the moment. If you notice yourself at the moment with low vibration frequency, choose another emotion. Just choose. Play, try it, experience everything, enjoy the travel. What can go wrong?! This is not a test, it’s experimentation. That’s it. Be gentler with yourself.

Don’t run from the moment

There is no recipe, no error. Therefore you can do it all again. Play. Have fun. Have YOU. Be YOU, be love, be joy, be freedom and peace.
Much peace and love from all of us, from ALL of YOU, IN YOU, in yourself, in ACTION and BLISS for just existing and being you, in your shoes and in your exact place and moment in time. Meaning no running from time and from now.
So take it all in: the good, the ugly, the bad, the truth, YOUR truth, your presence and your being as a whole, on every level. It is still you, and still for you, of you, from you.

What ‘should’ you do at the moment?

The now moment keeps repeating itself. Each moment it’s a now.
This is not just your mind, we are here. There a not all the messages the same, don’t worry. Yes, this is what you need to know, we will calmly and lovingly repeat it each time you ‘need’ it.
There is no growing away from your path or going astray. Because all of it it’s in yourself – the path and ‘loosing’ yourself. You can choose to think you can find another path, but all paths exist already as possibility well thought through by Yourself. This is the amazing Creator you are, this is how wonderful your Mind is. So you don’t ‘have to’ do anything, you can jump from a path to another.

Yes, your intuition knows the way, your body translates better now who you are at this moment. Let the Now change, reinvent yourself, grow, fall, make errors, procrastinate, return even more fearless to action, return to yourself. Connect with yourself, with us.

You are loved beyond measure. You don’t need to change. Just remembered You. Be and Create from the You That You Are and always have been.
No need to rush or procrastinate, just follow the urges and the Moment in Being You.

Are others mirrors?

Don’t give credit to what others may think. Let them be on their own path. Yes, in a way they are your mirrors. In the mirror you can see yourself and what you are not, yourself and the illusion you made up for yourself.

Now it’s a portal way between the Past and the Present

It’s the Eternal Now Moment. Impossible to miss the boat. So what you choose to do or not to do now it’s perfect. You can choose another ‘now’ and go ‘back’ to the starting line, giving another answer. There is no right answer, just an answer of Now, from a Now-You. Give yourself permission – in each dimension and point – to be what you wish to be in the moment. Without patterns and expectations. Just Divine inspiration and instinct from the One and from us.
And let yourself ‘error’, just to see it doesn’t mean anything from what you believed it was ‘wrong’. This is the way you trust yourself more, with a wider list to choose from, opened and expanding in Divine Timing. Trust in Your Divine Timing that exists just in the Now and in the Nows to come.

Beloved 💜’
