From COvid-19 to COllective Evolution

All of us can feel this pivotal point in our collective evolution. For me is a wake-up call from my behind closed doors spirituality into committing fully to life and to my Spirit nudges. And more so to trust in divine guidance.

Besides meditation and visualization, I am focusing now on more tangible solutions. I was inspired by so many Spirit travelers in my inner circle – from how to send positive vibes to scientists and people making decisions, to how to use the amazing proprieties of honey. We are all inspiration for one another, in this collective evolution. I am grateful for each travel companion I interact with.

I channeled a message from Master Hilarion (one of the Ascended Masters of the Ray of science) and Ra collective about a solution for our immunity system. Solutions implies a co-creation process of all of us, at the crossroads between Spirit and the dense world.

How can we balance and integrate into our immunity system COvid-19?


See that this virus’ name starts with CO, as in all together, same mind hive like the bees, same consciousness coming together, each of you with a very precise role in the matrix, in order to function and to evolve into higher dimensions of Unity consciousness.

This is just the beginning of COllective evolution and mind

Use the example of bees: the way they navigate and transcend the sunlight (the sky energy), with Earth’s mana (the spiritual life force energy or healing power that permeates the universe) and their own body fluids/inherent alchemy.

It’s the same recipe: use the sun power and water (as you are a living battery), and the alchemic functions of your brain (a living antenna) to transmute and command the new influxes of energy into harmonic geometric patterns of the new silicon-based body.

This recipe is prof Ovidiu Victor Cosbuc’s 15 min in the sun each day, the mantra Vav Mem Bet (the name of God that is blessing food) for your water first thing each morning and higher consciousness that decodes the new frequency and codes of light from the Sun.

See the blessing in everything

Remember that God has a bigger plan, a bigger blessing for you: reprogram your cells to the new frequencies.

This recipe is speeding up the transmutation of your carbon-base body into your crystal-base body even faster than you thought. By trying to manage, understand and upgrade your current immune system, you are actually developing faster the next level of body cells – the one with higher consciousness and a different structure that will not be prone to virus cohabitation.

And this is no ordinary virus, beloved. Living aside if it is manmade or not – and God does not make mistakes, beloved – use it to further develop your body and the world you are living in.

Just intend this, it is enough. Open, soften, relax and just have faith in the unfolding and that all in perfect collective evolution. If you will, you can call in the Mahatma principle, the Golden Ray of Christ, the Diamond White Ray. (or any energy and inspiration for that matter).

Accept the new codes and walk in the new path that is even greater than you could imagine. You will get across even more transformed than you can even imagine, beloved, new being in a new conscious world.

Have faith and work on this puzzle together. Share this recipe and co-create the rest with other souls – this is your mission, come together.’

Please know that we are not the victims here. We do not need to be rescued, we do not need ‘help’ from a powerless point of view. In Source consciousness is never about powerlessness. It is interconnection and the magic of how this entanglement plays itself out. There are different levels of frequencies, consciousness and laws that we can only grasp to imagine from this band of consciousness expansion. I am in awe and wonder about this amazing way Source interacts within Itself. I can only grasp to see it as experience, evolution, play and joy.
