Enjoying the Travel with beloved Archangel Uriel

A channeled message from beloved Archangel Uriel about walking the Soul’s path and enjoying the travel:

‘Clarity, light, illumination, SUN. YOU are the SUN, the daughter, the light, the knowledge and the principle, beloved.

We are in awe with you as much as you are with us. We are very pleased with your journey.

 Your intuition is spot on, when to stop, to start or to let go. Follow it more, enjoying the travel.

Beloved, you are more than enough

You choose to put yourself out there and help others by simply being around or just by doing readings. Giving part of your wisdom to those in need of it. You have important experience and point of view to share, you matter and you contribute to the expansion and growth of others.

Fulfill your mission by just going within and cleaning up

Bring the light of love in each corner of your experiences. See them for what they are: crystals and jewels in the making – polish them.

It’s just like your sapphires: one is raw and the other is how everything you think it should be. See the beauty in each one of them – this is why you bought one: to appreciate the other, both ones in the same way, equally important. The journey is equally important as the destination. You are arriving at your destination each conscious moment at a time.

‘I love my life’ mantra is perfect and shows just that: I love each new – now – uncut – pleasant – joyous – ‘difficult’ moment at a time. It’s all experience and consciousness. It’s the Divine expressing as yourself in each circumstance and feeling. So honor each one of them just the same. We honor and see you in each step of your journey and evolution as Divinity in action and manifestation, beloved.

I am You

Call on my light and my wisdom because you are calling for your attributes.

I have been here all along – in each arm twitching, in each sun ray, in each candle and actualization/wisdom moment. The light I am – I am you – I am the light of Divinity – the light of yourself and of what you think is outside source and Divinity [as something out there]. I am you as you are light and sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and the perfect divine light – love that you are as there is nothing you are not.

There is nothing to compare yourself and judge yourself against as there is nothing not you, the Holy Light of Your Divine Love. You are all this and more than you allow now your mind to see and go ‘all out there’. But, in your natural state, you can fully remember your essence. You’ve just realized that you can choose anything/ everything as just an experience and as a choice with no one in particular more important than another.

So my advice – remembering to you is be as you are: the same you in each joyful experience you allow and manifest in this plane. This is the reason you came here for.

No mission is better, no this job is better

They are ALL THE SAME – with the same blessings and awe of the experience and of enrichment of the ONE experiencing Itself. 

So go! Go! Go! Live! Let joy loose and free and let sadness in, let the anguish in, let everything in. Stay with the emotion for a while and see what a wonderful dreamer you are. And then dream again.
Play big! Play it small! Experience everything, enjoying the travel – this is creation. Then you can have some preferences and create more consciously – it’s the same as not having preferences at all from the point of view of the ONE Creator Mind.

What do you want to be? Be that and then choose again. It’s what our Creator does: there is 8 billion of you, of the One Creator choosing again each one of you – each choice perfectly the same value as another choice.

You are amazing. I love you. ‘
