Transcending Dark Night of the Soul with Spirit – SubConscious conversation

May we learn to master the reality we are living in, both in harmony and expansion, more and more aware of the interconnections between all of us, reaching higher realms of Unity and consciousness.

And sometimes this mastering process is about facing the denser energy within ourselves. And what a ride life is! Not all about unicorns and rainbows 😊 (though most of the time is surely is), but all colors of the spectrum to experience and then to consciously choose from.

We are now living in no time zone of infinite possibilities. A new world is in the making, beloved. This shift is not going to be with flood and cataclysm, but with inner deeper alchemy. While now we cannot go through the awakening process through the sarcophagi of Egypt, we do pass through a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ sorts of speak. This Dark Night of the Soul is about just being with yourself, in the comfort, solace, depths and wonders of your Spirit’s journey inside. It’s the surfacing of old unintegrated aspects as well as remembering your core, the infinite gifts, strength and magic that lies within.

So, travel inwards. Invite every thought and emotion in.

Open heart, open mind. Bring the loving awareness of both to everything that arises for the light of your recognition. Remember that everything just wants to be acknowledged and released in the infinite space of your heart, where everything is kept with joy, compassion and gratitude for the experience. This is transcendence: from the forgotten hidden world to the light of your conscious mind and loving heart. Rest assured that you are safe in the process – you always have Yourself. You can choose to call any beloved energies (like the Golden Ray of Christ Consciousness) and masters. You are never alone, beloved. Also, everything that is surfacing is in perfect divine order to be integrated, trust in divine timing. At the end of this ‘Dark Night’ you realize that you had all the mastering tools to begin with, you just trusted your Spirit to put them to the test, to gain even more mastery. And if you can master your inner ‘shadows’ on the cave wall, you own your reality.

I cannot say it better than the 53rd Gene Key description: ‘by letting go, trusting the process, we can transcend even our own destiny, which is the most mystical state of all’.

See below a conversation I had with my OverSoul/my Inner Master. My SubConscious stated how I was feeling, then my Spirit responded from Its higher perspective. I do this in writing, until my SubConscious is at ease.

The Dark Night of the Soul candid conversation

SubConscious: I am a mess.

OverSoul: Beloved, you are responding the very best you can in each moment. In each moment you are at the highest. Yes, you can watch and surprise yourself with what you think and feel.

When did you first felt this way?

SubConscious: Mom comparing me with others.

OverSoul: I love you, beloved. You are unique, lovely and beautiful, with such a beautiful soul. Mom did say this in the morning, remember?! You are a unique wonderful color. The Universe is in you, you are perfect and unique.

SubConscious: I am judging myself, everything.

OverSoul: Beloved, is the Universe inside of you judging itself? No, the Universe doesn’t judge, it just is, just creates, just sees things and decides what to do next, as a feedback, as a choice. Observe and choose again. I love you beloved ‘judger’, I love you beloved Universe, I love you walking master.

SubConscious: Am I where I am supposed to be, to do?

OverSoul: Everywhere you are is a sacred space of mastery. It’s a place to express and manifest you, the real YOU, the playing ground of your mind, ❤️ and soul. It’s the same as inwards, is a ‘test’ if you will. It’s the space for your intentions and mastery.

See everything as reinforcement of your commitment (give it a new meaning, closer to what actually is): as a gift for yourself, you attract to you your inner world.

You know this, your Dragons too: it’s the speeding up of things, you are setting the tone, pace and you are shining your light, beloved.

Welcome everything in and be in gratitude for this opportunity.

See the new opportunity: give other answers, evolve, be in charge, create, decide, play

So, play, beloved, bring all of your crayons and colors. The old ones are perfectly fine – we know those ones.

Now it’s the ‘time’ to get other crayons from our box and color way out of the box, with confidence in our divine guidance (by all of US) and no fear of getting it wrong as… we are always right 😊

It cannot be any other way because it just is, it is the way it is, meaning perfect in the moment.

OverSoul: So what are our choices? We observe and choose one. It’s that simple.

Be creative and ask for help from everywhere, involve your team, your imagination, your intuition, your Masters.

Be inspired – IN SPIRIT-ed – bring the Spirit consciously everywhere (we like this, don’t we?! 😊)

We welcome the challenges (mom predicted this also in the morning, mom knows 😊).

We welcome life, movement, creation.

We are grateful for the quantum field, for the co-creating space.

We choose to harmonize our part of the Universe, we choose to decrease entropy.

We choose love, compassion, acceptance, magic, joy, bliss, freedom, limitless, power, Divine Will, creativity, connection, contribution, oneness, inclusion, integration, wisdom, clarity, genius, grace, gratitude, gentleness. I AM ❤️

I love you, beloved. You can do this ❤️

And most important of all: you are this ❤️
