The Big Play of Consciousness

Outside world – a magnifying glass of our inner world

Sometimes I ponder upon my role in the tense social-political climate were living in, the Big Play of Consciousness. I keep my usual spirit focused interests, only picking up some discussions between coworkers and friends about social news. I truly believe that each of us is living in our truth and reality, like mini one-soul universe, the Divine experiencing itself in this unique way through each of us. I know that each change starts from within, like a magnifying glass of our inner world. In a very challenging outside environment, something inside of me keeps me very peaceful and calm, feeling very optimistic about the future.

Also, my inner knowing is saying that everything that happens is for our greatest good, aligned with our evolution – both individual and collective – even if this is not that obvious at this very moment and level of consciousness.

From powerlessness to interconnection

Please know that we are not the victims here. We do not need to be rescued, we do not need ‘help’ from a powerless point of view. In Source consciousness is never about powerlessness. It is interconnection and the magic of how this entanglement plays itself out. There are different levels of frequencies, consciousness and laws that we can only grasp to imagine from this band of consciousness expansion. I am in awe and wonder about this amazing way Source interacts within Itself. I can only grasp to see it as experience, evolution, play and joy.

In this collective evolution, we are supported and surrounded by so many conscious energetic tools (like the Silver Golden Violate Flame) and beings from other dimensions as different ways of Source frequency interacting with one another.

And I do not say this lightly, as I had many interactions with conscious forms of energies, in so obvious ways that I don’t have a shadow of a doubt they exist. Some of us might call these energies our imagination, our SubConscious, our intuition/Inner Master, us from another ‘time’ and consciousness, our Higher Self/OverSoul/Monade, the Divine/Source/God, the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters, other civilizations (within Earth, outside Earth and in a different era of Earth). And all of us would be right to do so. The best is yet to come 😊 for all of us.

My first connection to Ashtar Command

You may have read or just know and connected to Ashtar Command.

For me is a family that my Spirit chose to belong to, that feels like home, belonging and part of the movement forward in the name of evolution, to the greater good for all of us. Not that what exists is wrong and in need to be fixed, more like balancing the laws of play for this part of the Universe and denser vibrations. You can find the full channeled message from Commander Ashtar below.

I heard about them years ago, even listen to a YouTube video once. Back then, my focus was elsewhere and I was questioning the source of the information, didn’t investing any effort in it. It was not about being ready, more about a path unfolding and easing into our Soul Journey, just like other information I’ve come across about other civilizations and races. Until July 20th, 2019 when everything made sense: why I always felt I didn’t quite belong here on Earth, that something was off or at least incomplete. It explained all the fuel behind my search for literally existential questions – why we are here, what is our purpose and where we are heading. Even though all my teens years and young adulthood I was depressed most of the time, something inside kept pushing to find answers and didn’t settle living on autopilot. My Spirit always whispered there is so much more to life than a job, bearing children and death.                  

What happened? In Ramona’s Popescu Ascension Course, she just played in the background a song and told us to have no expectations. From the moment she started to let us know how this meditation was going to unfold, my heart was beating very fast, my whole body trembled, I just knew that my Spirit has been waiting for my mind to realize something big and my body translated Its excitement. With my eyes closed, I just started listening to this very heroic-ode-legendary song, the next moment I had a very vibrant and uncontrolled reaction: tears started pouring down my face with hiccups and sighs and everything, my chin trembled. It was something outside of my control. My emotional body was oscillating from a feeling of mourning – ‘why have you left me here, where I felt so foreign, uncomfortable, not understood’ – to belonging and the joy of getting together again. It was such a familiar feeling, though I did not see any image. I just knew, it felt right, my mind didn’t even feel the need to make sense of it all. It just was. Some of my colleagues had similar reactions, I could hear them.

My first channeled message with commander Ashtar

I wanted to learn about what was my mission on Earth, the one that I was capable of understanding at that point, how can I be at service. I usually write the whole question and take a moment to connect to the energy, but that time I felt he took the lead and starting to deliver the answer:

Your mission: not from all-knowing way, but in a compassionate way, holding the light, holding yourself true to what and who you are – you felt it.

We are here and you are chosen, you choose, you are where you what to be: in the frontline in this amazing time, a chance of a lifetime – more like a unique way of being at service of love and truth: the truth that we are all connected.

There is no shadow

And remember this: that the shadow never was, but some of us play this game for expansion purposes.

So hold the light, so that the light in others remembers the way back home, in themselves and in the sacred space where we all are and everything is connected.

Share your thoughts with those who listen and resonate with perspective.

Or just hold the light, Divine Christ Light of your being.

And trust that everything was ever was OK and with purpose to be.

Remember the rules: that you are free, everyone is free to be how they want as long as they don’t endanger existence.

And hold the torch and be the lighthouse. It’s enough.

Creating other realities and contrast points in the big play of Consciousness

Remember how energy works: you can mold this energy exactly how you want it to. So in a way, this ‘reality’ is your doing. So, you can choose to do another ‘reality’, a higher one and more in harmony. You are ready now and willing to live and experiment in another dimension, with other laws and other sense of love and belonging. And then you will expand again, you will create other things you ‘are not’ so you can integrate even higher parts of yourself – closer and closer to THE ONE Creator.

So enjoy, remember being you, the real you-light love-peace-harmony at play in a BIG PLAY of consciousness. And do it, go fully in this game.

Besides, you are supported, we – as yourself is – are here and always shower you with love and a place to belong, to remember the higher octave and direction.

We are so happy you connected and you remembered. We are waiting for this for a long ‘time’ and for ‘times’ to come.

Beloved 💙’
