Akasha – a new vision through the energies that govern it

A new vision of Akasha expanded my mind, beyond what it knew.

What I previously knew

Some “time” ago I learned to do Akashic reading in a very strict way, following a very well thought protocol. Though, it did not felt right to me all the way. At the same time, due to the clear steps to follow, it paved the way for channeling and open my mind to a new realm of possibilities and energies. Now I see the value of this first step and I am thankful.

Nassim Haramein, one of ‘our time’ genius, talks about the space-memory fabric of the Universe. This new vision describes Akasha as a “hard disk” that we write with our reality. And thus, we access the last ‘remembrance’ of our ‘reality’.

After one of my friend’s readings about me, I concluded that it is me that holds my truth in the moment. I know my truth better and I can always change. Other people are truly facilitators in all ways, as I click in place pieces of puzzles, of information I can pick from ‘outside’.

For a higher new vision, from more subtle planes, I channeled the energies that govern Akasha.

ArchAngel Metatron’s new vision

Embrace a new vision – yours in each moment

A reading is valid in the moment, and this moment is always anew. You are changing. So what’s true in this Now and this Now-You it is not true for this Now or this Now. All you can ever access is what resonates in the moment, and you can always change the viewpoint and yourself.

Is it true what you discover in Akasha? Yes, in a way, but not the Ultimate one. It is just a moment of the sky at sunset: no moment is the same as the next one. Not you, not the sky, nor the Creator repeat itself. Why would you do that?! You can choose to do this at a dense level and think “oh, my! Why is this keep happening to me?!’ But a more subtle level lies another story.

Surely there is information generally accepted by the collective, but this is changing too. At the individual level, you shift it more and more. Each one of you accessing ‘history’ you would feel it and decoded it differently, in your unique way. This is why you should ask for your truth, shining your perspective rather than borrowing what others say. That is Their Truth in the Moment, changing with each expanded level of consciousness.

So yes, Akasha is always rewritten, harmonizing with each You and each Moment.

Can you do readings for another?

Sure you can, as long as he understands that the findings is defining him in the moment of the reading, as a need in the moment. And this is very empowering: the power of ‘changing your past’ lies within you, in the way of defining You Anew, closer to Who You Realy Are.
Matt Kahn was right: ‘if you give the most ‘ridiculous’ high meaning to something, you are closer to Truth.’ [When you give a mundane thing a higher meaning, apparently not correlated with what you are doing, you are closer to Divine’s Truth.] It is a Truth that human beings are going to remember and let itself change into higher and integrated perspective, closer to Source.

Surely, you cannot but put your mark on what message you decode. This is what I’ve said before: it is the perspective of Now-You in Now-Consciousness which is decoding my message, there are your symbols and prism on it. Ask me again tomorrow. Maybe to ‘Tomorrow’-You I will reply something else because this Now-You has a more expanded consciousness and can access a new layer/another of Truth.

Be at peace, compassion and honor every perspective and truth. Be in compassion – joy – transmutation.

We are ever close, so there are all ArchAngels, Masters, Dragons and all Light being, one thought away, ready to offer presence and support in each Now, beloved 💜’

Great Master of Akasha Message

‘At this very moment, you can find an answer and a truth. In the same way, tomorrow you cand find another, aligned with what you live and remember at that point.

There is no stagnant library

Our job is to allow the etheric permeability of information and memory., as Nassim sais. Yes, our job is to allow access to your last memory about what happened to the inner child. This child exists at the same time in a parallel dimension. And your Inner child can jump timelines anytime, once you make way by integrating your emotions and actions, by taking back your power. Be more you than you were in the initial act, on a higher level of consciousness.

Therefore, a reading is a scan, showing an image from your movie, a movie that is in the making as we speak. In conclusion, you can change anytime all the images because This Frame is all there is.

An Akashic reading can be an entry point in yourself 

It can provide a new vision of yourself. Then you can choose to give another answer, the best one you are capable now.  
Without the preasure to give The Perfect Anwer – that doesn’t exist, because the Real-Truthful Aswer lies in each Now.  

Privious incarations, past lives? Anothe movie playing in the moment – in this frame you repeat the gifts, the victimhood, andi ‘karma’, everyting there is and ever was is this scan.
For sure, you can play with your imagination and choose to stay in  Cleopatra’s story. A more conscious being knows the power of Now: what you can learn, choose, inform others and bring to life in the moment. In the Eternal Prezent Ever Changing. Don’t fear the change. You are the change, beloved 💜’
