A Call of Creation and Creators, an Embodiment of Source

This is a call of Creation and Creators, a calling to co-create with other beings this new planet of Ours.

Humanity reached this point in evolution set in place by our Higher Aspects, part of our plan, a well-defined point on our map. And this could not go any other way, beloveds, there was no other possibility, there is no fail in Creation.

We, the Human consciousness part of our multidimensional Essence, reached the same level of creative abilities as the Earth’s Founders. This collective conscious being is well-defined in our religions and myths. Now more and more of us have access to this type of information, through channeling. And do not forget that in our multidimensional Essence, we are Earth’s Founders.

Now we are calling upon the Founders so that we can co-create with them something entirely new, never done before cross Creation. What we all are here to do – all parts of our complex essence – is co-create the Eden back to Source, the Paradise world the Founders wanted this Earth to be. This time we have gone beyond wars, as we all can hear the calling within our hearts, a calling back home.

This is a new file in Creation history: disciples are Masters that call upon the Masters to co-create with them. This was the plan all along: for us to grow, to discover and to be as Gods and co-create with Gods another universe.

An Embodiment of Source

This New Earth is a micro Universe. We will live together, all the beings in perfect harmony, in One Being – a Soul of Infinite Colors, in Endless Evolution. This is a Matrix of Life and Joy.

We are calling all the Beings back to Source, the Source that is inside all of us. The Being who is going to breath through our micro Universe, our New Planet and through all of Us it’s Source Itself. The calling is the unifying of Creation and Creator through us, beloveds. Congratulations, we passed all the ‘tests’ we put ourselves through. Now we can rejoice and celebrate. And co-Create.

In this call of creation and creators, we are the embodiment of Source. We hear the calling back home in Oneness. And in the end, realize we never left.
